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I’ve Got Answers

I don't live near you, can we still work together?

Absolutely! All my services are offered remotely. 

How can I start working with you?

Ready to get started? You can book an initial free consult on our services page , send me an email (, or a message through the contact form on the website. 

I just run for fun, can I still use a coach?

Coaching is an excellent way to enhance your running experience, regardless of whether you run for fun or for competition. At Exploration Nutrition and Coaching, we believe in personalizing our programs to help you reach your individual goals, while also ensuring that you enjoy your time on the road or trails. With a coach, you can have someone else manage the logistics, leaving you more free time to focus on what you love – running!

Do you accept payment plans?

While I do ask that you pay your *non refundable* deposit in full before we start working together, please let me know if you would prefer a payment plan and we can figure something out that works for everyone.

How do I know what package will work best for me?

Not sure of the best package for you? Feel free to send me an email, fill out the contact form, or give me a call. I'll be happy to go over any questions you have to help you find what works best for you. 

What if I don't want to sign up for a package, but still want to work with you?

Have something else in mind? If you have an idea of how you would like your sports nutrition or run coaching to go, lets set up a time to chat to see how we can best accommodate your needs.

Who can benefit from sport nutrition counseling?

If you exercise, (whether thats running, walking, cycling, hiking, etc) then you can benefit from sprot nutrition counseling. 

I don't consider myself an athlete, could I still benefit from sport nutrition counseling?


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